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Российский инвестиционно-строительный форум - 2016

Дата проведения: 18.02.16-19.02.16

Город: Москва

Организаторы: Министерство строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Российской Федерации

Рубрики: Российский инвестиционно-строительный форум

Строительство и недвижимость. Бизнес, экономика, финансы, безопасность.

5-й Юбилейный Российский инвестиционно-строительный форум (РИСФ-2016) - площадка для обсуждения российского и международного опыта реализации инвестиционных проектов в сфере жилищного, промышленного строительства, комплексного освоения территорий, развития инфраструктуры, в том числе с использованием механизмов государственно-частного партнёрства, а также развития застроенных территорий, модернизации промышленности строительных материалов и формирования кластеров, внедрения инновационных энергоэффективных и энергосберегающих строительных технологий и материалов.

Цель форума - реализация государственной политики в области жилищного, промышленного и инфраструктурного строительства, позиционирование России в качестве одного из мировых инвестиционных центров.

Задачи форума:

  • Подведение итогов деятельности российского строительного комплекса в 2015 году
  • Подведение итогов реализации государственных программ "Обеспечение доступным и комфортным жильём и коммунальными услугами граждан Российской Федерации", "Жильё для российской семьи" в 2015 году
  • Определение перспективных направлений развития строительной отрасли на 2016 год
  • Демонстрация инвестиционного потенциала стройкомплекса России, привлечение масштабных инвестиций в российскую экономику
  • Презентация лучших практик реализации инвестиционных проектов в сфере жилищного, промышленного и инфраструктурного строительства, а также инноваций в области энергоэффективности и энергосбережения, обмен передовым опытом
  • Создание единого информационного поля для федеральных и региональных органов государственной власти, органов местного самоуправления, отечественного и зарубежного строительного комплекса и других представителей бизнеса
  • Установление и расширение деловых контактов, продвижение компаний на новые российские рынки
  • Организация универсального мероприятия, содействующего развитию стройкомплекса России, повышению его инвестиционной привлекательности с участие представителей органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления, отраслевых национальных объединений, ведущих производителей и поставщиков стройматериалов, строительных и девелоперских компаний, международных организаций, экспертного сообщества


  • Министерство строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Российской Федерации при поддержке Правительства Москвы
  • Торгово-промышленная палата Российской Федерации
  • Национальное объединение застройщиков жилья
  • Национальное объединение строителей
  • Национальное объединение изыскателей и проектировщиков
  • Национальное агентство малоэтажного и коттеджного строительства
  • Российский Союз строителей

Основные тематические разделы:

  • Современная жилищная политика России в свете реализации госпрограмм "Обеспечение доступным и комфортным жильём и коммунальными услугами граждан Российской Федерации", "Жильё для российской семьи"
  • Инвестиционный климат в строительстве
  • Лучшие региональные практики
  • Современная архитектура и урбанистика
  • Комплексное освоение и развитие территорий
  • Финансирование. Ипотека. Новый подход
  • Развитие инженерной, социальной и транспортной инфраструктуры
  • Ресурсное обеспечение
  • Саморегулирование
  • Модернизация российской промышленности строительных материалов
  • Развитие кластеров
  • Инновации, энергоэффективность, "зелёные технологии"

Режим работы:

  • 11 февраля - с 10:00 до 19:00
  • 12 февраля - с 10:00 до 17:00
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CharliePepe [11.10.2017 17:03:13]

Dick FrancisNarrated by Tony Britton -- doing a great Australian accent to match the Australian main character.This can be seen as a story about identity, if you want to read anything deep into it, or just an entertaining book about a spy in the world of racing if you don'.
The conversation leads to a fight between the two friends, and Chloe leaves for her trip, not speaking to Lindsa.
Although the book seemed to drag a bit by the end, nevertheless it makes for a good rea.

The drug dealers are using the agency to operate and the author can use the operations of the agency to develop the detective stor. [url=http://www.dark.zeroenergyalliance.com/students/pdf]The Washington Manual Gastroenterology Subspecialty Consult: Powered by Skyscape Inc[/url] I much preferred this book to the first one, I liked Carina's character better than Lizzie'.
Elizabeth Bloomi LOVED THIS BOOK!!! i want MORE MORE MORE> infact soo much so i have even considered writing to this author and asking what was going on!! some say their characters are the next steph plum and in my opinion fall short. [url=http://www.sunday-comics.zazprint.com/amish-historical-romance-fiction/pdf]Mais, bien sГ»r, rien n'est si[/url] I bought this book because I loved the cover, but as soon as I started reading it, all I wanted was to throw it out the window.
His frequently-cited Twitter account is followed by over 2.3 million people.Wil is widely recognized as one of the original celebrity bloggers, and is a respected voice in the blogging communit. [url=http://www.short-story-collection.youreveningangels.com/buses/pdf]Will Michael ever ask Mia to[/url] The foremost historian of Greek religion provides the first comprehensive, comparative study of a little-known aspect of ancient religious beliefs and practice.
Patricia WentworthPatricia Wentworth--born Dora Amy Elles--was a British crime fiction writer.She was educated privately and at Blackheath High School in Londo. [url=http://www.short-story-collection.youreveningangels.com/buses/pdf]101 Greatest Screenplays: The Writers Guild of America List of Best-Written Screenplays[/url] Hire smart people...', 'Hold people accountable...', 'Focus on the client...'
Student Bazarov is a nihilist, a person who does not believe in anythin. [url=http://www.chapter-books.zirconiumtech.net/science-fiction]Youth Hosteler'\;s Guide to Europe[/url] I spent a long time reading this book, making sure I squeezed every drop of pleasure from it, so to sa.
Patricia WentworthPatricia Wentworth--born Dora Amy Elles--was a British crime fiction writer.She was educated privately and at Blackheath High School in Londo. [url=http://www.multicultural-literature.zeroenergyalliance.com/church-ministry/pdf-4746-4-name_dropp ing.pdf]Name Dropping[/url] The businessman’s wife was involved in an affair so instantly becomes a suspect, as does her love.
Dick FrancisNarrated by Tony Britton -- doing a great Australian accent to match the Australian main character.This can be seen as a story about identity, if you want to read anything deep into it, or just an entertaining book about a spy in the world of racing if you don'. [url=http://www.french-revolution.zirconiumtech.net/illness/pdf-5079-185-babe_39_s_la_la_bye.pdf]I’ m no fairy or lawyer but[/url] I must confess up front: while I'm a (perhaps too much so) devoted fan of Atwood's novels, from what I've read of her poetry, I'm just...not all that impresse.
It seems added on in an attempt to make the book seem more sophisticated, what with the chronological shifts and simultaneous story-tellin. [url=http://www.fantasy-romance.zazprint.com/poverty/pdf]Considering Aaron Sorkin : Essays on the Politics, Poetics and Sleight of Hand in the Films and Television Series[/url] This is an immensely touching and fascinating book about a half-dozen or so young women and girls (including the author, herself, when she was younger) and the way they convey the traumatizing experiences they've suffered through subconscious language and expressio.
Wie gut, dass es da noch Harry gibt, der sich für unverfängliche Flirtproben geradezu anbietet ... [url=http://www.fantasy.zeroenergyalliance.com/evangelism/pdf]Cal 98 Art of Wyland: World'\;s Premier Marine Life Artist[/url] Or, to put it another way, genetic science seems rather like the way I view tarot cards or other forms of divination, as an interesting way of envisioning a road map of current conditions that might be helpful in identifying possible future paths but not any kind of foregone conclusio.
His ideas take bad guys and make them the heros without making them goo. [url=http://www.the-1700s.youreveningangels.com/star-trek-voyager/pdf]NAFTA As a Model of Development: The Benefits and Costs of Merging High- and Low-Wage Areas[/url] There's just something about this story that feels so very very real, very human and very accessibl.
Accompanied by long lost friends and a few unlikely relatives, Sarah learns of her supernatural destiny and the race to piece together the jigsaw of her life begin. [url=http://www.fantasy.zeroenergyalliance.com/evangelism]Practical Dehydration[/url] A spark that is threatened by the fact that Charlotte is the prime suspect in her husband’s murder.I also loved the side love story that was happening below stairs between Charlotte’s maid, Lucy, and Alec’s footman, Etha.
Love all the characters in this book and how the cafe girls (or old ladies!!) still know everything that is going o. [url=http://www.wolves.youreveningangels.com/sword-and-planet/pdf-5028-432-20th_century_day_by_day.pd f]20th Century Day by Day[/url] Jay Mohr is an American actor and stand-up comedian.Mohr authored the best selling book Gasping for Airtime: Two Years in the Trenches at Saturday Night Live concerning his time as an actor on Saturday Night Live.
He forced a child whose mother was just a vague word, not even a memory, devote his entire life in danger and death and crime, just because of his own passion for reveng. [url=http://www.wolves.youreveningangels.com/sword-and-planet/pdf]Health Promotion And Disease Prevention: A Case Studies Approach[/url] it was good to get an 'out-of-control' leesie who was ready to give up on all of her ideals and morals because of utter devastation (although let's be real, she wasn't really THAT out of control), only to be pieced back together agai.
this guy goes on for 150+ pages about ALL the possible explanations for this random peasant thinking that the world was formed from chaos like the way cheese coagulate. [url=http://www.robots.yourdentaltravel.com/muslims/pdf-5294-134-understanding_diverse_families_what_ practitioners_need_to_know.pdf]"This isn't yet another 'how to[/url] ***** I received and ARC copy for an honest review *****Wow just finish reading book, Love it I am so in love with this series is not even funny.This story pick up right where Possess My Heart finishe.
As the owner of Flyleaf Books she watches with irritation and frustration as other less talented writers make a killing off her novels and characters with sequels, spin-offs and absurd self help book. [url=http://www.shonen.zeroenergyalliance.com/novels/pdf]Patricia WentworthPatricia Wentworth--born Dora Amy Elles--was[/url] The writing was easy to read and very smooth as the story transitioned between the various characters and into the past – at no time did the story become confusing or the flow become chopp.
Stay tuned for a more complete review, but I can't recommend this highly enoug. [url=http://www.short-story-collection.youreveningangels.com/buses]Wanna take bets that she goes[/url] Inoltre un protagonista piatto, banale, mal costruito, in cui non riesci ad immedesimarti e neanche a sentirti partecipe delle sue emozioni e dei suoi pensieri (e dato che il libro si basa su quello ..
I particularly liked the story Mason related about why he wears his cowboy ha. [url=http://www.fantasy-romance.zazprint.com/poverty/pdf-5251-221-cal_98_wings_over_new_zealand.pdf]A nd so while the confusion in[/url] While her books under this nom de plume and various others aren't profound works of art by any means, they are well-organized (I tremble to see what her outlines must look like while she's planning them out!), are engrossing and have excellent pace, are very satisfying, just plain fun, and, as I said earlier, have consistent quality, which I feel is the most important thing for an author undertaking a series of any kin.

If Weaver doesn't do their bidding, debts will be called in against his uncle, his best friend and a respected neighbor, and in those days, that meant a trip to the Fleet Street debtors' prison.I won't give away what Weaver is asked to do, but needless to say, his success at his first assignment only involves him more deeply with his enemie.
I could not understand why these people were doing the things they were doin.
His illustrations are bright and colorful and very intricate and the puzzles are tricky, but not too tough for childre.
So he tells anew the Hitlerian drama--the Sturm und Drang of evil geniu.
More action and adventure than romance in this book, but still a very enjoyable rea.]
[url=http://forum.flyff-universe.fr/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=250&sid=fbfd6623b45e0aec1d64cbc 0eb708bd0]Yet again, you need God for clearer focus in learning from people[/url]
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[url=http://forum.wiederbelebung-kreis-olpe.de/posting.php?mode=post&f=5]This is where the movie diverges away from the books[/url]
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Charliepred [11.10.2017 16:03:51]

Nurse Fellowes is VERY well drawn, I think, with some psychological complexity and surprising maternal tendencie.
They are a lot more conversational and ease one into the stylistic flights he takes in the other piece.
To explain exactly how I felt about this book would provide far too many spoilers which as a reader I would hate to do to someone planning on reading this beautiful boo.

I am going to read one more book by this author, and if the same thing occurs in that as well, then I cannot continue to read these work. [url=http://www.sunday-comics.zazprint.com/amish-historical-romance-fiction]Crimson Tome 4: Redemption[/url] There are some historical references that non-British readers may not understand, for which I would recommend the reference list at .Puck of Pook's Hill was first published in 1906, and is available for free on Amazon and other on-line sites.
really enjoyed this book but it dose give a little in site into previous books which i have not read but this book has given me an itch to read the other books for any1 starting off i recommend starting off with the 1st and working their way up to this enjoyable book [url=http://www.fantasy-romance.zazprint.com/poverty/pdf-5003-337-john_keats_the_complete_poems.pdf]J ohn Keats, the Complete Poems[/url] Some of the secondary characters felt rushed through, as if those sections were written specifically to support the main characters' arc, without consideration of how they fit into the storyline as a whol.
Most of the chapters are dedicated to one of the three main themes: fundamental Physics, human mind and behavior, or climate chang. [url=http://www.fantasy-romance.zazprint.com/poverty/pdf]The Long-Lost Heir[/url] Page's careful attention to Virgil's character makes up for the lack of action-based plot in the boo.
Review posted at The Armchair Reader.I've been waiting for Brad's book in the Conquest series for a long time no. [url=http://www.logic.zirconiumtech.net/drinking/pdf]Women Saints in World Religions[/url] Sadly, The Book without Words feels like just that—a book without word.
unless your professor is like mine and wants you to work out theoretical proofs for every concept covere. [url=http://www.robots.yourdentaltravel.com/muslims/pdf]Campbell'\;s M'\;m! M'\;m! Homemade in Minutes[/url] John LescroartJohn Lescroart (born January 14, 1948) is an American author best known for two series of legal and crime thriller novels featuring the characters Dismas Hardy and Abe Glitsky.Lescroart was born in Houston, Texas, and graduated from JunГ­pero Serra High School, San Mateo, California (Class of 1966)
He is a newlywed, happy in his marriage to a woman who is lovely in both face and personality.And Craig Foster is now dead at his des. [url=http://www.politics.yourdentaltravel.com/tsars/pdf-5087-419-kernel_of_the_kernel_concerning_the_ wayfaring_and_spiritual_journey_of_the_people_of_intellect.pdf]Kernel of the Kernel: Concerning the Wayfaring and Spiritual Journey of the People of Intellect[/url] From Freud and Jung and the radical breakthroughs of psychoanalysis to Lacan's construction of a modern movement and the new women-centred therapie.
And in the coffee, and the medications, and the disconnect with realit. [url=http://www.short-story-collection.youreveningangels.com/buses/pdf-4817-111-global_issues_populat ion_growth.pdf]Global Issues: Population Growth[/url] I would recommend it if there was nothing else to read or if the reader liked political thriller.
I hope that this book will be better than the previous one (Dance with Dragons).. [url=http://www.chess.zirconiumtech.net/world-war-i/pdf-4928-25-greek_cooking_for_the_gods.pdf]Greek Cooking for the Gods[/url] I'm just stating I take economic truths with a grain of salt just as I do other soft sciences including sociology and pyscholog.
Time to Gleek out! Fans of the breakout musical series will flock to Ushkowitz's heartfelt and practical guide on how to be your true self, gain self-esteem, and find your inner confidenc. [url=http://www.fantasy.zeroenergyalliance.com/evangelism/pdf-5081-207-the_european_community_and_the _elderly_.pdf]The European Community and the Elderly ...[/url] Black Dog and Rebel Rose is comfortable read to feed your Angel/Demon craving.
But although larger and more solidly built, these buildings could lay no claim to architectural beauty of any kind, but were little more than magnified huts, and even the king’s palace was but a collection of such buildings closely adjoining each other.The town was surrounded by a lofty wall with battlements and loopholes, and a similar but higher wall girt in the dwellings of the king and of his principal captain. [url=http://www.the-1700s.youreveningangels.com/star-trek-voyager/pdf]The Baseball Encyclopedia : Complete and Official Record of Major League Baseball[/url] For me, one of the most compelling passages, aside from his ridiculous daily adventures, was his honest realization about the reality of what he was really doin.
Ok, they have sex on their minds, but I still think that kind of talk is kind of surreal.I think that's the main reason for 4 stars, because I was really trying hard not to roll my eyes. [url=http://www.western-romance.yourdentaltravel.com/mental-illness]I think its among the best[/url] Thanks Again!Debated on giving this book a three or a four....Lovely writing and I really did end up liking it, but about a quarter of the way through I was ready to put it dow.
Teaching English by Design is a good book about designing units from back to front with the end results, i.. [url=http://www.new-weird.yourdentaltravel.com/doctor-who/pdf]Mai Weini: A Highland Village in Eritrea A Study of the People, Their Livelihood, and Land Tenure During Times of Turbulence[/url] Is total forgiveness easy? Of course not...but this book will give you a game plan...and the encouragement to cast out areas of unforgiveness that have kept you from enjoying the best God has to offer you.

O clГ­max, reuniГЈo com metade das personagens em casa de Ludo, Г© absurdo..
He chronicles Franklin's tumultuous relationship with his illegitimate son and grandson, his practical marriage, and his flirtations with the ladies of Pari.
Harlem is a tinderbox, waiting for a match." "Along these restless streets, two very different young men cross path.
and i hop lot's of kids believe in magic i don't believe in magic but i trie t.]
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